AI Libretto

I used ChatGPT with GPT-4 to generate a libretto (opera lyrics) for a new, made-up aria for Bellini's opera "La Sonnambula".

The exact conversation is below:


Please generate the libretto for a brand new recitative and aria for the character Amina in Bellini's opera "La Sonnambula". Let's limit the length of the aria to two stanzas at most.


Title: "Il Sogno d'Amina" (Amina's Dream)



Così, in questo chiaror di luna piena,

Mi avventuro nel sogno della notte.

Le stelle s'accendono, danzano e ride,

Ma il mio cuore vaga senza riposo.

Elvino, mio caro, sei lontano,

E il mio pensiero cerca il tuo abbraccio.

Vorrei stringerti tra le mie braccia,

Ma il destino separa i nostri passi.



Nel sogno, oh dolce Elvino, ti vedo

Tra le stelle danzanti, brillando.

Il mio amore trascende confini,

Vola oltre la notte oscura.


Ritorna, o caro mio, e svegliami

Dal sogno che mi tiene prigioniera.

L'amore nostro vince ogni prova,

Sarà luce che mai si spegne.


Where might this aria fit in the opera?


This aria, "Il Sogno d'Amina" (Amina's Dream), could fit in Act II, between Scene 1 and Scene 2. In the original opera, after the misunderstanding with Count Rodolfo in Scene 1, Amina is left heartbroken and confused. This new aria would provide a moment for Amina to express her inner turmoil and her longing for Elvino while she sleepwalks, adding another layer of emotion to her character.

The aria's themes of love, dreams, and longing for reunion with Elvino would tie in well with the overall themes of "La Sonnambula." It would also serve as a precursor to the later events in Act II, where Amina is eventually vindicated and reunited with Elvino.


Please provide an English translation for just the aria.




In my dream, oh sweet Elvino, I see you

Among the dancing stars, shining bright.

My love transcends all boundaries,

Soaring beyond the dark night.


Return, my dear, and awaken me

From the dream that holds me captive.

Our love will conquer every trial,

A light that shall never fade.